Visitors: 103249

Dyffryn Tanat and Region Development Trust
Chairman Ken Owen QGM
Consultant David Higman MBE

New Welsh Wesleyan Chapel

1892 The new Welsh Wesleyan Chapel in Turners Lane Llynclys Nr Oswestry.
1906 The Welsh Wesleyan Chapel moved from Turners Lane to Dolgoch ,the new church building costing £640,with a membership of 30 people.

1892 New Welsh Wesleyan Chapel building in Turners Lane Llynclys Nr Oswestry.

Source David Higman.

1901 map showing the Wesleyan Chapel in Turners Lane (at map reference 370)

1926 map showing the position of the New Wesleyan chapel after moving from Turners Lane.
© 2024 Oswestry Borderland Heritage | New material added and updated October 2023 | Hosted by Weboriel