Visitors: 109583

Dyffryn Tanat and Region Development Trust
Chairman Ken Owen QGM
Consultant David Higman MBE


Tithe map of Trefonen in 1843

1875 map of Trefonen

Interesting 1918 Geological map showing the extent of known coal pits in Trefonen The symbols are shown as a circle with a cross inside. First one is bottom left which is in the garden to the left of the Barley Mow public house. As we travel up the main road towards Oswestry next on the left is in the field on the edge of the footpath. Next there are three in a line (The two on the right can be seen from the road as large mounds) the one next to the road is not marked or known in the village. Carrying on next left is where the present house and stables are. Next are three in a line on the right again not visible or known. Next on the left 4 in a cluster around Pottery Row Cottages. As you turn right towards Morda there is one on the right on the edge of the present Cemetary, again not visible or marked/known about.
All these shafts will have underground workings radiating out from them at various depths up to 300 feet deep.

Source Ken Owen

Original print from 1860,s showing what the bottom of the pits would have looked like, especially the Main Old Colliery at Trefonen.

Source Ken Owen

Original Coal Board underground workings of Old Trefonen pit (1st line of 3 pits to the right of the main road out of the village the right hand pit) This gives the date that the workings were dug and the directions.

Source Ken Owen

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