Visitors: 114201

Dyffryn Tanat and Region Development Trust
Chairman Ken Owen QGM
Consultant David Higman MBE

Llanforda Mill

First Mill sitting at the head of the Morda valley. It is believed that a mill existed on this site in 1673 as an entry in Oswestry Parish Register shows Owen Jones ("Mr Lloyd of Llanforda's Miller). A later reference in 1797 shows the mill being operated by a man named Slade (R.D.Thomas - Industries of the Morda Valley). This was a fulling mill with an overshot wheel and was converted to corn after 1840 until after 1914 when a tragic accident occurred and production ceased. The Leat or headrace begins about 300 metres upstream , with the remnants of the pond some 50 metres down fromthe weir site. These together with a portion of the headrace are still visible, though much decayed and overgrown. The building later became a pub called The Old Mill Inn after all the mill machinery had been removed. Now a private residence.

1901 map showing the Llanforda Mill

Extract from The Oswestry Advertizer dated 14th Oct 1914.


A terrible accident, which had fatal consequences, befell Mr John Jones, Llanforda Mill, a well known Oswestry farmer on Friday. A Man of genial habits and robust constitution, he was in his usual state of health when at 8.50 on Friday after holding a brief conversation with Mrs Jones, he went to perform the simple operation of oiling some parts of the mill machinery. For this purpose, it is conjectured that he was kneeling over the wheel, which was revolving at the time, holding an oil can in one hand while the other hand rested on a board while he was in the act of oiling the centre parts of the wheel. For ten minutes after leaving Mrs Jones he was found dead in the pit below, his face terribly cut, and the oil can by his side. In his fall his head apparently got caught in some cog wheels and this explains the injuries to the face. Mr Jones was a man much respected and liked by all who knew him, and much sympathy will be felt for the widow and seven children who survive. He was a prominent churchman and it was his custom to hold a service in his house every Sunday afternoon.


The inquest was opened on Saturday morning by the Deputy Coroner, Mr W.H.Spaul, Mr T>Hughes, Llanforda Farm, was the foreman of the jury.
Evidence was given by the widow, who said that at 7.50 am her husband spoke to her in the yard, and said he was going into the mill to grind some corn. That was the last time she saw of him.
Henry Wynn Jones (14), son of the last witness, said that on returning from milking he went straight into the mill and , to his horror, found his father lying dead below the cog- wheel, his head being in a pool of blood. A part of his face was hidden. He immediately put the mill out of motion, and ran to tell his mother that his father was dead. His mother went into the mill and turned him over, and found that he was quite dead. Dr bullock. who made a post mortem examination of the body, said that the lower part of the face and throat had been crushed on the cog-wheel, and that the wind-pipe had been completely torn out. Death, in his opinion, would have been instantaneous.
This concluded the evidence, and the inquest was adjourned until yesterday for the attendance of the Government Inspector of Factories, when a verdict of Accidental Death was returned.

Llanforda Mill photo taken (February 2014)
Source Ken Owen.

Front door of the Old Mill, now a private residence
Source Ken Owen.

Side elevation of the old mill
Source Ken Owen.

Photo of Llanforda Mill after it had been converted to a pub called 'The Old Mill Inn'.
Source Ken Owen.

Photo of the Mill Stones which were outside the front door of the Old Mill Inn.

Source Gordon Hillier.

Recent photo of the weir on the River Morda above the Mill pond of Llanforda Mill
Source Ken Owen.

Photo of what is believed to be the old Mill pond below the Weir on the River Morda. Source Ken Owen.

© 2025 Oswestry Borderland Heritage | New material added and updated October 2023 | Hosted by Weboriel